Ford National Mustang Convention - COVID-19 UPDATE
As we all know, we are living in interesting, changing and challenging times. First and foremost, the Canterbury Mustang Owners Club organising committee hope that all Mustang fans, and all NZers, are keeping well and taking care. We’re sure that we are all pinning our hopes on some form of recovery to at least some normality, sooner rather than later
Perhaps not unexpectedly, our Convention plans are also facing challenges.
We have been advised that due to the covid-19 shutdown, the opening date of the brand new Te Pae Convention centre will be delayed until the first quarter of 2021. Like all major projects, the construction schedule has been hit by the shutdown itself, then an extended effect due to the time required to ramp up after the restart, plus the fact that they are then running into the Xmas holiday period.
The Te Pae senior management group that we have been working closely with are deeply disappointed for the Mustang Convention, and for all of the attendees. Te Pae management are presently in discussion with other parties to secure alternative great and suitable venues for us for the Saturday Grand Mustang Show and the Sunday evening Gala Awards Dinner. Early indications yesterday are positive, and separate advice will follow once all details are confirmed.
As the CMOC planning group. we continue to be positive regarding our intentions to run a great 2020 Convention, especially given encouraging indications regarding suitable alternative venues. Our challenge now is to update our planning as best we can in these uncertain times, and then wait for a timely recovery of the domestic situation (especially the lifting of lockdown restrictions, the opening up of internal travel and gatherings) post the present lockdown.
Within this scenario, we again express our gratitude for everyone’s support and commitment to the Convention. We acknowledge that Te Pae was a large factor in our planning. Our commitment to you is that whatever the final program will look like, we will continue to plan for a wonderful event for all.
We remain upbeat and committed. Once NZ comes out of the covid-19 shutdown, we're sure that we'll all be looking for the fun and friendship of a great Mustang Convention. It will be just what we all need!
Best wishes, and take care.
Canterbury Mustang Owners Club 2020 Convention subcommittee