About Us
Our club comprises over 350 memberships (i.e. 600 or more individual Mustang fans) across Christchurch and Canterbury, plus members in Nelson – Marlborough, West Coast, North Otago and beyond.
Our members enjoy a wide variety of runs, events and social occasions, all connected by their strong interest in all things Mustang and great friendship.
The objectives of our club, as defined in our constitution, are: nurture and promote interest in Mustangs, from 1964 to the present; arrange driving, display and social activities for the enjoyment and interaction of our members; be a responsible member of our local communities.
Or more simply, it could be said we’re custodian of the Mustang legend and spirit here in Canterbury, doing the things we love!
The club’s constitution can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here.
Following are the contact details for the Club's committee. Please feel free to contact anyone on the committee should you have any concerns or questions about the club. We also welcome all new ideas for club events.