Events Diary

Check emails and the CMOC website for more details on these events as planning progresses.Watch for more events to be added! This is a list of known events planned by our club and also major events organised by others that may appeal to our members. Other events may be added and there may be changes to planned events. Updated and full event details are on our Club website and events calendar or emailed to members near the event times.
Dennis O’Brien Club Captain 021 187 8488

Tue 25th March, Ashburton Social Night, Phat Duck, West St. Ashburton
Wed 26th – Sun 30th March, Whangamata Beach Hop

Sat 5th April, Fish and Chips Run TBA
Tues 8th April, Social Night, Speights Ale House, Tower Junction
Sat 12th April, World Mustang Day - VCC grounds TBA
Sun 18th Fri - 20th Sun, Wheels at Wanaka - Not a club event
Tues 22nd April, Ashburton Social Night, Phat Duck, West St. Ashburton
Wed 30th April, Mid-week run

*** Non Club Events ***
1st Sunday of each month
Kustoms Car Club – Breakfast and Meet, McLeans Island Rd Starts 8am.Great social occasion.
Always many CMOC members, Mustangs, hotrods and classics etcAll welcome.
No Charge. Public can attend to view cars.
Hosted by Kustom Car Club
Last Friday of the Month
BellaRat’s Gas & Gander Meet at the NPD, 740 Jones Road, Rolleston Good food for sale.
Show up in your rat rod, hotrod, classic or whatever.All welcome.
No Charge. Public can attend to view cars.
Hosted by BellaRat’s Gas & Gander

Mid-week run – TBA
Weekend run – TBA

Sat 7th June, AGM
Fri 20th – Sun 22nd June, Southern Muster








